People get tattoos for many reasons. Some tattoos get the names of their children and spouses of a deceased loved one to demonstrate their commitment to family. Others may have tattoos to show personal identification with a symbol of ethnic identity, cultural or religious. Others get tattoos just because they love them and want to decorate their body.
One of the tattoos is the growing popularity of a ring tattoo. Attachment ring tattoos tattoo around the fingers or toes, rather than rotating wrists, ankles and biceps. These larger tattoos, the tattoos, the band is called, even if they are round, such as tattoos ring.
Names: Some couples have tattoos wedding ring, including each other names. You can also get little tattoos on the fingers with the names of other loved ones. For example, if you have a tattoo wedding band for your children's names tattooed on the fingers on your left. Have name tattooed on his best friend in the ring finger of his right hand. Choose a simple font name for tattoos. From space to them is small, complicated calligraphy be difficult to read. Italics can work only if the name is short, but try to stay with something elegant and clear.
Pets: Get your favorite animal or an animal that does something special for yourself tattooed like a ring. As mentioned above, cats and dolphins are very popular as traditional light rings are tattooed in small spaces. The butterflies can be tattooed with wings wrap around your finger, and can cover as much or as little space as you want. Most birds will work for the same reason, but remember that the body of a bird is larger and the blades will have to wrap almost all the way around your finger. Coiled snakes naturally and fits on your fingers, like lizards. Choose only one or two colors to any of these tattoos as small tattoos bleed together more easily than larger ones.
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